Friday, June 18, 2010

Week of 13-19th post 1

In our culture we always talk about getting “stuff” and having more stuff. We strive to make money so we can get the boat or the new iPhone or that pair of shoes we really just have to have. It’s so normal for us to think about making money just so we can get new things. In other cultures, like in France, they aren’t thinking the same thing as we are when it comes to money. Yes, they are high fashion and still like having their “stuff,” but what they really save their money for is traveling.

When I was over there and stayed at a few different homes, I found that their homes were surprisingly small and compact. They didn’t have such a big living space to put all the things they bought with their money. After a while I really started to notice this and politely asked a couple people about this. They told me that things aren’t really important and the people of the country (and I suspect a lot of Europe) would rather spend their money on going somewhere and gain the worldly experience. After seeing this it really made me think about what I am doing with the money I make and that maybe people in our culture are just happier having the latest and greatest stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree with you, as American’s we always want more “stuff” and impulse buying. And that we get a quick “fix” of excitement or to show off how much money we have. A lot of the times, the people with nice expensive stuff are the ones that are deep in debt! The ones that are most successful with their money, are the ones in simple clothes and a simple lifestyle. It’s no wonder why American’s have high stress, because the money goes in over their heads.
    I liked how you choose an example of a country in which you’ve traveled to; I did the same in my examples. I think it’s real important to get out of the United States to see how other countries live and that our way of living, it’s the only way. That’s awesome that you had the chance to go to France and see how they lived. I did picture that country to be full of fashion, shopping and spending lots of money on stuff. Although, maybe that’s just the tourist perspective and not the locals. Because, I can imagine the locals being high stressed too, paying those expensive bills. So I liked how you pointed out, the locals live in a small house environment and live simple lives. “When I was over there and stayed at a few different homes, I found that their homes were surprisingly small and compact.” (Janelaneiscooler) That must had been a great experience seeing the different homes and really getting a taste of how its like to live there. “They told me that things aren’t really important and the people of the country (and I suspect a lot of Europe) would rather spend their money on going somewhere and gain the worldly experience.” (Janelaneiscooler) Yeah that’s right, gaining world experience and knowledge of the world around, is and does seem most important to other countries. Us American’s, we should not be so stuck up and think we’re the only country. We should explore and open up our eyes to the countries around us. Glad you had the chance to travel out of the United States as well!
