Friday, July 2, 2010

Creatures of our Culture

I agree with Benedict to an extent. I do think that we are shaped by our culture but I don’t think that we are limited to it. I think that there is no logical reason why we wouldn’t be shaped by our culture. We grow up a certain way and we end up carrying our childhood into adulthood. I think that in order to “break through the limits” we need to just be open to other things.
We can always add to what we know and embrace new cultures. As we grow up we pick up more crumbs of knowledge and experience and they shape the way our life path goes. It’s okay to be a “creature of our culture,” as long as that’s NOT all that we are. Our cultures don’t limit what we are, they just give suggestions so to speak about what things should be like. If you picked any one culture and looked at all the people, you wouldn’t find that everyone was the same, but rather a mix with the same base.